Pre-order 101 HORROR BOOKS here, and while you’re at it, grab a copy of Sadie’s anthology!
If you know the name Sadie Hartmann, I don’t have to explain anything. You get it.
If you don’t, it’s real easy. Sadie is (in no particular order), a huge horror book influencer, a rabid horror fan, a voracious reader, and a good person. Likely other good qualities as well.
We’re here because Sadie put in a ton of work to pull together recommendations for some of the best horror books that have come out in the last two-ish decades. No small feat!
In this book, you’ll find tons of books to read, passionate essays about horror from some of its top authors, author spotlights, where Sadie looks at author’s larger bodies of work, and lots of fun little things. It’s not just a boring list or reference book, it’s got a lot of personality, and it’s fun to engage with.
In our conversation, we talk a lot about the structure of the book, and what’s inside, but we couldn’t resist just going on tangents about our love of books, sharing books, and seeing someone enjoy a book we loved. So if you’re in to people being huge fans of books and reading, this episode is certainly for you!
You can find links to Sadie’s in my, if you want to follow her on social media, subscribe to her Patreon, find her substack, etc.
Here’s the YouTube version of the episode:
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