Check out my Philip Fracassi list on Bookshop, and pre-order BOYS IN THE VALLEY. While you’re there, shop all of his books!
It’s a name that’s always been in my atmosphere, but for reasons that aren’t good or bad, really just reasons of being human, I’d never gotten around to reading his stuff. That ends now!
BOYS IN THE VALLEY is kinda everything? Meaning, a well-crafted story, that’s quick and entertaining, AND manages to establish connections with the characters, which lead to me feeling all sorts of things when things started going wrong. What kinds of things? Anxiety, claustrophobia, fear, revulsion, hope, and others that I’m not thinking of. In other words, a great book.
Philip was nice enough to join me for a bit, and talk about the book, writing, and a whole bunch of other things. It was a fun conversation and I’m excited for you to hear it!
BOYS IN THE VALLEY releases July 11, so you have plenty of time to get in a pre-order (link above). If you’re new to Fracassi, like I am, feel free to browse his back catalog as well.
Episode on YouTube:
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