The ARC Party
The ARC Party
Nat Cassidy - NESTLINGS

Nat Cassidy - NESTLINGS

Available 10/31 - paperback, ebook, audiobook

Pre-order NESTLINGS today! While you’re at it, grab MARY as well!

This book has it all! A creepy luxury building with secrets. An opportunity too good to be true. Something not feeling right. Some kind of monsters?

While this book does tackle some serious topics, such as living with a disability after having just had a baby, dealing with loss and grief, and having shitty landlords, it is entertaining and well paced! It’s a great read and really shines on many levels.

This is my first time talking to Nat, though you’d never know it, from how we got along. It was almost instantly that I was opening up to Nat about things, and he was sharing his own difficult struggles that helped him to create this story. It was utterly delightful, inspirational, and I think it helped me want to confront some of my trauma of going through having cancer.

I consider this book, as well as the conversation, as a way for us to all take a look at the shit circumstances we’ve found ourselves in lately, and say “what the fuck” and try to move past it.

It’s not all serious. We had plenty of jokes and fun, and a nice chunk of it is spent talking about Stephen King, who was celebrating his birthday the night we recorded. Maybe his birthday ears were ringing.

Please, just immediately go buy Nat’s books. He’s a talent, and I think he’s gonna be my best friend one of these days.

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The ARC Party
The ARC Party
Your first look at upcoming books!
My goal with the ARC Party is to connect readers with books before they release! Much of the success of a new book is connected to pre-orders and early sales numbers, but sometimes people don't hear about a book until long after it's been released.
An episode typically consists of an author giving a quick description of their book, followed by a spoiler free discussion about it. We often talk about themes, characters, settings, etc. But I'm careful to not talk about anything that would ruin the reading experience!