The ARC Party
The ARC Party
Michael David Wilson - HOUSE OF BAD MEMORIES pt 2

Michael David Wilson - HOUSE OF BAD MEMORIES pt 2

Available Friday, October 13th!

Here’s the second part of my discussion with Michael David Wilson about his upcoming book HOUSE OF BAD MEMORIES. In this episode, we dive deep in to the story, and Michael get’s very personal about some of his experiences that inspired parts of the books.

In addition to chatting about the book, we also talked about interviewing people, the landscape of horror podcasts, and even friendship.

I hope you enjoy our discussion, and I hope you check out HOUSE OF BAD MEMORIES, and I hope you give a listen to This Is Horror as well.

Some horror podcast recommendations mentioned in the episode:

This Is Horror with Michael David Wilson and Bob Pastorella

Talking Scared with Neal McRobert

She Wore Black with Agatha Andrews

And here’s the YouTube version:

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The ARC Party
The ARC Party
Your first look at upcoming books!
My goal with the ARC Party is to connect readers with books before they release! Much of the success of a new book is connected to pre-orders and early sales numbers, but sometimes people don't hear about a book until long after it's been released.
An episode typically consists of an author giving a quick description of their book, followed by a spoiler free discussion about it. We often talk about themes, characters, settings, etc. But I'm careful to not talk about anything that would ruin the reading experience!