The ARC Party
The ARC Party
Liz Kerin - NIGHT'S EDGE

Liz Kerin - NIGHT'S EDGE

Available June 20th! Hardcover, ebook, audiobook (feat Chase Sui Wonders)

Pre-order NIGHT’S EDGE and FIRST LIGHT on my bookshop LIZ KERIN LIST

Liz Kerin was nice enough to join me on the podcast recently, to talk about her upcoming coming of age vampire book NIGHT’S EDGE. It’s a very personal story about a young woman and her mother, and the sacrifices that they make to keep a dark and dangerous secret.

And the best news is that Liz is not only already working on the sequel book, but there’s also a TV adaptation of NIGHT’S EDGE in the works, with Liz involved as a writer!

So join us as we talk about vampires, family secrets, growing up, mother/daughter relationships, and a lot more. It’s a great conversation, and hopefully it inspires you to support Liz!

As mentioned in the episode, if you want to do something to support the WGA members who are on strike, here is the website to the Entertainment Community Fund. If you’re looking for somewhere to give, this is a great start!

YouTube video:

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The ARC Party
The ARC Party
Your first look at upcoming books!
My goal with the ARC Party is to connect readers with books before they release! Much of the success of a new book is connected to pre-orders and early sales numbers, but sometimes people don't hear about a book until long after it's been released.
An episode typically consists of an author giving a quick description of their book, followed by a spoiler free discussion about it. We often talk about themes, characters, settings, etc. But I'm careful to not talk about anything that would ruin the reading experience!