The ARC Party
The ARC Party
Keith Rosson - FEVER HOUSE

Keith Rosson - FEVER HOUSE

Available 8/15 in Hardcover and ebook!

Recently, I was not only lucky enough to read an advanced copy of Keith Rosson’s upcoming behemoth of a tale, FEVER HOUSE - but I also cajoled him into getting onto the internet and chatting with me about it.

FEVER HOUSE is big. It’s over 400 pages, and it packs a lot of story into it. Criminal leg breakers? Check. A shady government agency? Check. A world-famous rock group? Check. An angelic being? Check? A severed hand that makes anybody in close proximity to it go into a violent rage? Hell yes!

A sequel!? CHECK!

It was great to get Keith on to talk about everything from the gorgeous cover of the book, to zombies, to researching just enough to bullshit your way through things sometimes.

Keith was a great guest, FEVER HOUSE was a great book, and hopefully you have a great time listening.

While I have your attention, be sure to pre-order the book! If signed editions are your thing, and supporting local independent book shops is also your thing, Keith is partnering with Broadway Books in Portland for pre-orders of signed copies. Link is above, or contact the store if you have questions.

Thanks once more to Mr. Rosson for a great, entertaining, and gnarly read!

Like Video? Here’s the YouTube version of the episode!

The ARC Party
The ARC Party
Your first look at upcoming books!
My goal with the ARC Party is to connect readers with books before they release! Much of the success of a new book is connected to pre-orders and early sales numbers, but sometimes people don't hear about a book until long after it's been released.
An episode typically consists of an author giving a quick description of their book, followed by a spoiler free discussion about it. We often talk about themes, characters, settings, etc. But I'm careful to not talk about anything that would ruin the reading experience!