I missed Josh, and you’re going to get that pretty much right from the beginning of this episode. I Met Josh back in 2014, when BIRD BOX was recently released, and nobody knew yet what a sensation it would become.
It’s easy to fall in love with someone’s books, and Josh’s stories are no exception. I really, genuinely love the books he’s put out, and I think he’s a rare talent. I am lucky enough that, over the years, I have also had the privilege to get to know the people. I count Josh among a small group of people that are bonafide friends, beyond any fandom or podcasting interaction. So, I missed Josh.
Josh loves stories, and his enthusiasm fuels him as a writer - exploring ideas and stretching boundaries to capture what’s possible. It also fuels him as a fan. He can be effusive about the art that he consumes that he’s in awe of, and it’s a very inviting thing to witness. With Josh, it always feels like we’re going along on an adventure - whether it’s a story I’m reading or an episode of a podcast we’re recording.
I hope that his enthusiasm pulls you along, and I hope mine does as well.
Now, go buy his books!
Here’s the YouTube version, for those (such as Elton John) that prefer watching:
(Come Back soon, 2.5 hours of 4K video takes a LONG TIME to render and upload)
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