I saw that cover, read about the story, and knew I had to get this dude on the podcast. Probably my favorite thing about Twitter is when exciting new things get hyped, and I see a community supporting something they love.
It’s Adam’s first novella release, and as luck would have it, his first podcast. I am honored to be able to bring you this conversation about his book. I hope I gave him enough time to talk, and didn’t talk over him too much - I was excited to say stuff about Narcissus!
Adam did a great job creeping me out, and I think the unstoppable consequence style of story that this is is very effective. It is a quick and entertaining read, and reads very cinematically. I was seeing it play in my head, which isn’t always the case when I read. All in all it’s awesome, and I appreciate the opportunity to pick Adam’s brain about it.
YouTube video version will be available soon, for those of you that are into the visual experience.
The book releases in less than a week, so as soon as you see this, you should be ordering Narcissus!
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